Monday 17 August 2015

SharePoint 2013 User Profile Sync for Claims Users

SharePoint 2013 User Profile Sync for Claims Users

I have been working with claims authentication quite a bit lately, and something that can be frustrating when using claims authentication for Forms Based Authentication (FBA) or SAML claims is that when you log in you see the claims identifier instead of the user’s name.  As an example, I configured an FBA provider to use LDAP to authenticate users and when I log in, I see the following:


Similarly, I configured a trusted provider using ADFS and when I log in as a user using SAML claims, the user’s name is shown as the following:


This is because the user profile for the user has not been populated.  In my environment, I have 3 providers configured for the same zone.


To understand how to configure the trusted identity provider, see Steve Peschka’s post Configuring SharePoint 2010 and ADFS v2 End to End.  To understand how to configure FBA, see my posts SQL Server Provider for FBA in SharePoint 2010, configuring FBA with SqlMembershipProvider in SharePoint 2010 using PowerShell, and Configuring LDAP for FBA in SharePoint 2010 or SharePoint 2013 with PowerShell

This post is going to show how to configure user profile synchronization when you have multiple authentication providers.  In my scenario, all of the users are being imported from the same Active Directory instance.  This provides a challenge for using apps.  Working with apps in SharePoint 2013 requires user profiles to be populated (see Steve Peschka’s article, ��OAuth and the Rehydrated User in SharePoint 2013 – How’d They do That and What do I Need to Know”).  It becomes increasingly important in SharePoint 2013 to properly configure the user profiles with UPN, Email, or SIP attributes when working with apps.  It doesn’t matter how you populate these, you could use PowerShell or a custom program, but SharePoint provides the ability to populate these attributes using User Profile Synchronization.  The challenge is that apps will rehydrate the user typically based on email, so the email has to be unique across all of the user profiles. This makes it important to make sure that each user in your directory has exactly one profile in SharePoint.
Steve Peschka did a great job showing how to accomplish this in his blog Mapping User Profiles for SAML Users with an AD Import in SharePoint 2013.  The part I want to highlight is how to configure multiple sync connections.

Multiple Synchronization Connections

In my scenario, I have 3 different connections to the same Active Directory.


The challenge here is making sure that your users do not overlap and that they are unique per connection.  If you have a user that is imported from AD and authenticates both as a Windows user and as a SAML user, the authentication for apps will likely fail because you cannot uniquely identify the user based on email.  This is why it is important to make sure that each user account has a unique profile.

Configuring Multiple Connections for User Profile Synchronization

I am not going into the details of how to start the user profile synchronization service instance.  For details, see Spence Harbar’s seminal post Rational Guide to implementing SharePoint Server 2010 User Profile Synchronization.  The steps are identical for SharePoint 2013.  The part we are going to focus on is configuring the connections for our scenario that includes multiple connection sources.

Configuring a Connection for Active Directory

This is the best-documented and easiest to configure because you only need to configure the connection and you’re done.  Spence covers the details in his blog post Rational Guide to implementing SharePoint Server 2010 User Profile Synchronization.  Even though we are authenticating with Windows claims, the only thing you need to do is configure user profile synchronization to Active Directory.


The important thing to watch out for is that you import only the users who will log in via Windows.  I have an OU called “Employees” in Active Directory that contains all of my users who authenticate via Windows to avoid overlap.


When configuring the user profile synchronization connection, I choose only this OU.

Click OK and you’re done.

Configuring a Connection for FBA

My FBA implementation is using LDAP, which points to Active Directory to authenticate the users.  Because I am using Active Directory as the LDAP provider for FBA, I can import the users with a connection to Active Directory with one special change. The key is to set the Authentication Provider Type to Forms Based Authentication, and choose the FBA provider that you’ve already configured (this value is picked up from the web.config in Central Administration).


To make sure that the account does not have multiple profiles, I constrain the synchronization to a specific OU that contains only those users who authenticate via LDAP.


Once you have configured the connection, the next step is to map the claim identifier.  Go to the User Profile Service Application and click on User Profile Properties.  Edit the property “Claim User Identifier” and add a mapping for the attribute that will be used to identify the user via claims.


Setting the authentication provider type, selecting the FBA provider, and mapping the claim identifier is important because this is used to map the claims encoded account name.  Once the user is imported, you can see the claims encoded account name to identify the user.


If you see two profiles for the same user, the problem might be because you didn’t map the provider type on the connection, or didn’t add the mapping for the claims identifier.

Configuring a Connection for a Trusted Identity Provider

I am using ADFS to authenticate my users.  When I use user profile sync, I am not connecting to ADFS, I am connecting to the Active Directory where the users are authenticated to.  I can sync the users to that Active Directory to populate their attributes.  As mentioned several times earlier, I need to make sure that the user profiles are unique.  To ensure this, I have a single OU for the users who authenticate via ADFS.


I then set up a user profile sync connection to Active Directory.  Just like when we configured FBA, we need to specify the Authentication Provider Type (this time we choose “Trusted Claims Provider Authentication”), and the Authentication Provider Instance (which is the name of the trusted identity provider you’ve already configured).


To make sure that these users do not have multiple profiles, I import them from an OU where only those users authenticate via ADFS.


The next step is to go to the user profile properties and add a mapping for the Claim User Identifier.  Note that when you have multiple connections, you will need to map each individually.  I could have the FBA users mapped using sAMAccountName instead of mail, I just chose to map them using the mail attribute since all my users have an email address.  Edit the property Claim User Identifier and add a mapping.


The claim identifier that you map for the ADFS connection needs to be the same attribute that you specified in the IdentifierClaim parameter when registering the SPTrustedIdentityTokenIssuer.
$ap = New-SPTrustedIdentityTokenIssuer -Name "SAML Provider" 
    -Description "SharePoint secured by SAML" 
    -realm $realm 
    -ImportTrustCertificate $cert 
    -ClaimsMappings $map,$map2 
    -SignInUrl "https://congen1.contoso.local/adfs/ls" 
    -IdentifierClaim ""
See Steve Peschka’s blog Configuring SharePoint 2010 and ADFS v2 End to End for more information on configuring ADFS.
One other side note… when you are adding users to your site that are SAML users, take care to use the same identifierclaim when adding them as a user to a site. I type the full email, and then make sure I select the EmailAddress claim.  If you want to change this behavior, see Steve Peschka’s blog for creating custom claims providers.  The user will show as the IdentifierClaim until the user profile is updated with their name.

What if My User Doesn’t Come From Active Directory?

FBA users are a little more difficult because you may be using SQL for FBA, in which case there’s really no option for user profile synchronization out of the box, you need to update it through some other means.  Additionally, you might be authenticating to a trusted provider where you cannot sync all the users from the source into user profiles.  Luckily it’s pretty easy to update via using the object model, which can be accessed via PowerShell or C#.
$mySiteUrl = "http://my.contoso.lab"

$gc = Start-SPAssignment 

$site = ($gc | Get-SPSite $mySiteUrl)
$context = ($gc | Get-SPServiceContext -Site $site)
$upm = new-object Microsoft.Office.Server.UserProfiles.UserProfileManager($context)
$profile = $upm.GetUserProfile("i:0#.f|ldapmember|barneyrubble@contoso.lab");
$profile["WorkEmail"].Value = "";

Stop-SPAssignment $gc
Other properties that you might want to map are SIP (mapped to the SharePoint property “SPS-SipAddress”) or the UPN (mapped to the SharePoint property “SPS-UserPrincipalName”).  The important point to note here is that it doesn’t matter if you use user profile sync or if you populate the attributes through some other process, the part that matters is that the properties are populated for the user.  You could also provide the user’s name while you’re at it to provide a friendly name at the top right of the screen. 

Showing The User Name

This blog started off showing the problem of claims users not showing their name in the top right of the page when they log in.  The only thing you have to do is make sure that their name is populated in the user profile, either through sync or through your own process.  To prove this, the same user that used to show the email now shows their name instead.


The name is displayed as part of their user profile, so you can take advantage of the fact that apps require a populated user profile and simply populate the name as part of your sync process.

There was no endpoint listening at http://ServerName:5725 ResourceManagementService/MEX that could accept the message.

There was no endpoint listening at http://ServerName:5725 ResourceManagementService/MEX that could accept the message. This is often caused by an incorrect address or SOAP action. See InnerException, if present, for more details

Error Occurred when Creating a New Connection in SharePoint User Profile Service Application.
There was no endpoint listening at http://ServerName:5725 ResourceManagementService/MEX that could accept the message. This is often caused by an incorrect address or SOAP action. See InnerException, if present, for more details.
Quite scary error which seems like due to ports blocking ? Not really, In my case it was Forefront Identity Manager Service which was stopped.
I remember that I restarted this server after doing some heavy site collections creation and noticed the FIM Service has not been started automatically though it was set to automatic start. Just started it from Services and Connection came back to work.
You will get "LDAP Server is Unavailable" Massage if you have checked SSL option at the same page (will depend on the environment that you are dealing with).

Wednesday 12 August 2015

Convert an HTML file into a master page in SharePoint 2013

SharePoint 2013
With Design Manager, you can convert an.html file into a SharePoint 2013 master page, a .master file. After the conversion, the HTML file and master page are associated, so that when you edit and save the HTML file, the changes are synced to the associated master page.

Introduction to converting a master page

With Design Manager, you can convert an.html file into a SharePoint 2013 master page, a .master file. After the conversion, the HTML file and master page are associated, so that when you edit and save the HTML file, the changes are synced to the associated master page.
Why do you want to convert an HTML file, instead of creating a .master file from scratch? In SharePoint 2013, master pages work exactly as they do in ASP.NET, but SharePoint also requires that certain elements, such as controls and content placeholders that are specific to SharePoint, must be present on the page for SharePoint to correctly render that master page. By using Design Manager to convert an HTML file into a fully functioning SharePoint master page, you don't have to know about ASP.NET or the SharePoint-specific markup; instead, you can focus on designing your site in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
When you convert an HTML file into a master page:
  • A .master file with the same name as your HTML file is created in the Master Page Gallery.
  • All markup required by SharePoint 2013 is added to the .master file so that the master page renders correctly.
  • Markup such as comments, <div> tags, snippets, and content placeholders are added to your original HTML file.
  • The HTML file and master page are associated, so that any later edits to the HTML file are synced to the .master file when the HTML file is saved.
Note Note
The syncing goes in one direction only. Changes to the HTML master page are synced to the associated .master file, but if you choose to edit the .master file directly the changes are not synced to the HTML file. Every HTML master page (and every HTML page layout) has a property named Associated File that is set to True by default, which creates the association and syncing between files.
If you have a pair of associated files (HTML and .master) and you edit the .master file without breaking the association, the changes to the .master file will be saved, but you can't check in or publish the .master file, so those changes are not saved in a meaningful way. Any changes to the HTML file override the .master file. If you check in or publish the HTML file, the HTML file changes override any changes that were made to the .master file. The changes to the .master file are lost.
If you're a developer comfortable working with ASP.NET, you can choose to work only with the .master file by breaking the association between the files. To break the association between the HTML file and the .master file, in Design Manager, choose Edit Properties for the HTML file, and then clear the Associated File check box. You can later re-associate the files by editing the properties and selecting this check box, in which case the HTML file will again overwrite the .master file, and changes made to the .master file will be lost.

Before you convert your HTML file, here are some best practices and guidance to consider:
  • Consider the SharePoint page model. For more information, see Overview of the SharePoint 2013 page model. As you design the HTML mockups of your site, you'll probably have several HTML files for different types of pages, such as an article page or a category page that contains Web Parts that display a category of items from a catalog. But, only one HTML file will be converted into the master page. An HTML file can be converted into a master page, but an HTML file can't be converted directly into a page layout because a page layout requires page fields.
  • Make sure your HTML file is XML-compliant. For the conversion to work, the HTML file must be XML-compliant. Unfortunately, this requirement overrides some HTML 5 standards—for example, in HTML 5 you can specify the doctype in lowercase, but in XML the doctype must be uppercase. Also, you should remove any <form> tags from your HTML file. Consider running your HTML file through an external XML validator to identify XML errors before conversion.
  • Consider these important guidelines for your CSS references:
    • Don't put <style> blocks in the <head> tag. These styles are removed during conversion. Instead, link from your HTML file to an external CSS file.
    • Add ms-design-css-conversion="no" to the <CSS link> tag if you're using a web font.
    • Be cautious about applying styles to general HTML tags like <body>, <div>, and < img>. Everything within your SharePoint design, including the ribbon, is within the <body> tag. For styles that you would usually apply to the <body> tag, consider applying them instead to <div id="s4-bodyContainer">, which is a tag that SharePoint 2013 uses for the main body of the page. Also, SharePoint 2013 uses many images that are affected by whatever styles you apply to the <img> tag.
    • Many designers style the navigation by applying classes to <ul> and <li> elements. But, SharePoint 2013 uses a dynamic navigation control, which you can add to your master page from the Snippet Gallery. SharePoint 2013 navigation controls have styles applied by default that you have to override.
  • Consider these potential issues about file naming:
    • If you have Index.html and Index.htm, those files will have the same .master file.
    • If you have Design/Index.html and Design/SubDesign/Index.html, both of those files are available for conversion into their own, separate .master files, but they'll both show up as Index.html in the master page list in Design Manager. To disambiguate them, click or select the ellipsis button for each file to see the full path.
  • If you're adding a JavaScript widget, make sure the <script> start tag is on its own line.
    (function( …
    Do not put them on the same line, like this.
    <Script> (function( …
  • A reference to the JQuery library (an external reference) should go before the </head> tag.

Before you convert an HTML file, you first have to upload all of your design files, including your HTML file. For more information, see How to: Map a network drive to the SharePoint 2013 Master Page Gallery.

To convert the HTML file into a .master file

  1. Browse to your publishing site.
  2. In the upper-right corner of the page, choose Settings, and then choose Design Manager.
  3. In Design Manager, in the left navigation pane, choose Edit Master Pages.
  4. Choose Convert an HTML file to a SharePoint master page.
  5. In the Select an Asset dialog box, browse to and select the HTML file that you want to convert.
    Note Note
    When you upload your design files, you should keep all files that are related to a single design in their own folder in the Master Page Gallery. When you copy your design folder into the mapped network drive, the Master Page Gallery retains whatever folder structure you created.
  6. Choose Insert.
    At this point, SharePoint 2013 converts your HTML file into a .master file with the same name.
    In Design Manager, your HTML file now appears with a Status column that shows one of two possible statuses:
    • Warnings and Errors
    • Conversion successful
  7. Follow the link in the Status column to preview the file and to view any errors or warnings about the master page.
    The preview page is a live server-side preview of your master page. The top of the preview displays any warnings or errors that you may have to resolve by editing the HTML file in an HTML editor. Errors must be fixed before the preview will display the master page correctly.
    For more information about resolving errors and warnings, see How to: Resolve errors and warnings when previewing a page in SharePoint 2013.
    For more information about previewing the master page with different pages, see How to: Change the preview page in SharePoint 2013 Design Manager.
    The preview page also contains a Snippets link in the upper-right corner. This link opens the Snippet Gallery, where you can begin replacing static or mockup controls in your design with dynamic SharePoint controls. For more information, see SharePoint 2013 Design Manager snippets.
  8. To fix any errors, edit the HTML file that resides directly on the server by using an HTML editor to open and edit the HTML file in the mapped drive. Each time you save the HTML file, any changes are synced to the associated .master file.
  9. After your master page previews successfully, you will see a <div> tag that gets added to your HTML file. You may have to scroll to the bottom of the page to see the <div> tag.
    This <div> is the main content block. It resides inside a content placeholder named ContentPlaceHolderMain. At run time, when a visitor browses your site and requests a page, this content placeholder gets filled with content from a page layout that contains content in a matching content region. You should position this <div> where you want your page layouts to appear on the master page.
    If your HTML file contains static or mockup content in the body of the page, now you begin the process of removing that static content from the HTML master page and applying those styles to other elements of the SharePoint page model, such as page layouts, page field controls, snippets, and display templates. For an example, see How to: Create a page layout in SharePoint 2013.

When you convert an HTML file into a master page, many lines of markup get added to your HTML file. You can safely ignore most of this markup, and most of it will not appear in the final markup of your site when you view source in the browser, but this markup is critical for converting your HTML file into the .master file that SharePoint actually uses. Each time you save a change to your HTML file, this SharePoint markup makes it possible for that same change to be made to the associated .master file in the background.
The markup that gets added includes tags before and in the <head> tag, snippets, and content placeholders. Most of the markup is enclosed within comment tags: Whenever you save a change to the HTML file, the conversion process strips out the comments to use the ASP.NET markup within.

Types of markup

The following is a breakdown of the types of markup that are added to the HTML file:
  • Document properties The <mso> tag contains SharePoint metadata, including information about the file itself and some properties needed for the successful conversion to the .master file.
    <mso:HtmlDesignFromMaster msdt:dt="string"></mso:HtmlDesignFromMaster>
    <mso:HtmlDesignStatusAndPreview msdt:dt="string">http://[server_name]/sites/PubSite/_catalogs/masterpage/[site_name]/index.html, Conversion successful.</mso:HtmlDesignStatusAndPreview>
    <mso:ContentTypeId msdt:dt="string">0x0101000F1C8B9E0EB4BE489F09807B2C53288F0054AD6EF48B9F7B45A142F8173F171BD10003D357F861E29844953D5CAA1D4D8A3A0084F0F9C7FCB65541A59990D173DA60FA</mso:ContentTypeId>
    <mso:HtmlDesignAssociated msdt:dt="string">1</mso:HtmlDesignAssociated>
    <mso:HtmlDesignConversionSucceeded msdt:dt="string">True</mso:HtmlDesignConversionSucceeded>
  • SharePoint namespace registration The <SPM> tag ("SharePoint markup") provides a line registering a SharePoint namespace.
            <!--SPM:<%@Register Tagprefix="SharePoint" Namespace="Microsoft.SharePoint.WebControls" Assembly="Microsoft.SharePoint, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=71e9bce111e9429c"%>-->
            <!--SPM:<%@Register Tagprefix="WebPartPages" Namespace="Microsoft.SharePoint.WebPartPages" Assembly="Microsoft.SharePoint, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=71e9bce111e9429c"%>-->
  • Comments The <CS> and <CE> ("Comment start" and "comment end") tags are ignored during the conversion process. These tags are to help you parse the lines of markup.
    <!--CS: Start Page Head Contents Snippet--><!--CE: End Page Head Contents Snippet-->
      <!--CS: Start Ribbon Snippet--><!--CE: End Ribbon Snippet-->
    <!--CS: Start PlaceHolderMain Snippet--><!--CE: End PlaceHolderMain Snippet-->
  • Snippets The <MS> and <ME> ("markup start" and "markup end") tags denote the beginning and end of a SharePoint control or a snippet. A snippet is a SharePoint control that adds SharePoint functionality to your page. You can add snippets yourself by using the Snippet Gallery. For more information, see SharePoint 2013 Design Manager snippets.
            <!--MS:<SharePoint:RobotsMetaTag runat="server">-->
            <!--MS:<SharePoint:PageTitle runat="server">-->
                <!--MS:<asp:ContentPlaceHolder id="PlaceHolderPageTitle" runat="server">-->
                    <!--MS:<SharePoint:ProjectProperty Property="Title" runat="server">-->
            <!--MS:<SharePoint:StartScript runat="server">-->
            <!--MS:<SharePoint:CssLink runat="server" Version="15">-->
            <!--MS:<SharePoint:CacheManifestLink runat="server">-->
            <!--MS:<SharePoint:PageRenderMode runat="server" RenderModeType="Standard">-->
            <!--MS:<SharePoint:ScriptLink language="javascript" name="core.js" OnDemand="true" runat="server" Localizable="false">-->
            <!--MS:<SharePoint:ScriptLink language="javascript" name="menu.js" OnDemand="true" runat="server" Localizable="false">-->
            <!--MS:<SharePoint:ScriptLink language="javascript" name="callout.js" OnDemand="true" runat="server" Localizable="false">-->
            <!--MS:<SharePoint:ScriptLink language="javascript" name="sharing.js" OnDemand="true" runat="server" Localizable="false">-->
            <!--MS:<SharePoint:ScriptLink language="javascript" name="suitelinks.js" OnDemand="true" runat="server" Localizable="false">-->
            <!--MS:<SharePoint:CustomJSUrl runat="server">-->
            <!--MS:<SharePoint:SoapDiscoveryLink runat="server">-->
            <!--MS:<SharePoint:AjaxDelta id="DeltaPlaceHolderAdditionalPageHead" Container="false" runat="server">-->
                <!--MS:<asp:ContentPlaceHolder id="PlaceHolderAdditionalPageHead" runat="server">-->
                <!--MS:<SharePoint:DelegateControl runat="server" ControlId="AdditionalPageHead" AllowMultipleControls="true">-->
                <!--MS:<asp:ContentPlaceHolder id="PlaceHolderBodyAreaClass" runat="server">-->
            <!--MS:<SharePoint:CssRegistration Name="Themable/corev15.css" runat="server">-->
            <!--MS:<SharePoint:AjaxDelta id="DeltaSPWebPartManager" runat="server">-->
                <!--MS:<WebPartPages:SPWebPartManager runat="server">-->
  • Preview blocks The <PS> and <PE> ("Preview start" and "preview end") tags surround a section of HTML code that you shouldn't edit because this section affects only the design-time preview. These preview sections are a snapshot in time of the SharePoint control that snippet is inserting. A preview makes it possible for you to work more meaningfully on the HTML file in a client-side HTML editor. But, changing the content or styling within that preview has no lasting effect on the .master file, which is what SharePoint is ultimately using. To style a snippet, you have to identify and override the SharePoint styles with your own custom CSS.
    <!--PS: Start of READ-ONLY PREVIEW (do not modify) -->
    <div class="DefaultContentBlock" style="background:rgb(0, 114, 198); color:white; width:100%; padding:8px; height:64px; overflow:hidden;">The SharePoint ribbon will be here when your file is either previewed on or applied to your site.</div>
    <!--PE: End of READ-ONLY PREVIEW -->
  • SharePoint IDs Two of the snippets added to your HTML file during the conversion (the Page Head Contents snippet and the SharePoint Ribbon) have an associated SharePoint ID, or SID (00 and 02, respectively). These IDs make it possible to shorten the snippets and make the HTML in the page easier to read.
    <!--SID:00 -->
    <!--SID:02 {Ribbon}-->

Added snippets

It's important to know about two of the snippets that are added to your HTML file. These snippets are added automatically during the conversion, but they're not available for you to add from the Snippet Gallery.
  • The Ribbon For content authors to be able to create pages and author content on your SharePoint site, your master page needs the ribbon and the "suite navigation" that is new to SharePoint 2013. The ribbon is contained in a security-trimming snippet, so that when a visitor browses your site, the ribbon is displayed only to authenticated users, not anonymous users. You can move the ribbon to a different position on the page or style it by overriding the default CSS classes, but we do not recommend moving or reordering the components (such as the Site Actions menu) that are contained inside the ribbon.
    <!--MS:<SharePoint:SPSecurityTrimmedControl runat="server" AuthenticationRestrictions="AnonymousUsersOnly">-->
    <!--MS:<wssucw:Welcome runat="server" EnableViewState="false">-->
  • ContentPlaceHolderMain At the bottom of the <div id="s4-bodyContainer"> tag, before the closing </body> tag, the conversion process inserts a content placeholder named PlaceHolderMain. Inside this snippet is the black-bordered, yellow <div> that appears in the design view of your HTML editor, or in the server-side preview in Design Manager.
    This <div> represents the area where the content specified by your page layouts and pages will go. You should move the PlaceHolderMain snippet to the place within your master page that will be filled by your page layouts—the area of your site design that isn't the same across all pages of your site.
    <!--CS: Start PlaceHolderMain Snippet-->
                        <!--SPM:<%@Register Tagprefix="SharePoint" Namespace="Microsoft.SharePoint.WebControls" Assembly="Microsoft.SharePoint, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=71e9bce111e9429c"%>-->
                        <!--MS:<SharePoint:AjaxDelta ID="DeltaPlaceHolderMain" IsMainContent="true" runat="server">-->
                            <!--MS:<asp:ContentPlaceHolder ID="PlaceHolderMain" runat="server">-->
                                <div class="DefaultContentBlock" style="border:medium black solid; background:yellow; color:black; margin:20px; padding:10px;">
                This div, which you should delete, represents the content area that your Page Layouts and pages will fill. Design your Master Page around this content placeholder.
                        <!--CE: End PlaceHolderMain Snippet-->

The following is an example of markup added to an HTML file after it is converted to a master page.

Markup added to the <head> tag

        <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=10" />
        <!--CS: Start Page Head Contents Snippet-->
        <!--SPM:<%@Register Tagprefix="SharePoint" Namespace="Microsoft.SharePoint.WebControls" Assembly="Microsoft.SharePoint, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=71e9bce111e9429c"%>-->
        <!--SPM:<%@Register Tagprefix="WebPartPages" Namespace="Microsoft.SharePoint.WebPartPages" Assembly="Microsoft.SharePoint, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=71e9bce111e9429c"%>-->
        <!--SID:00 -->
        <meta name="GENERATOR" content="Microsoft SharePoint" />
        <meta http-equiv="Content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
        <meta http-equiv="Expires" content="0" />
        <!--MS:<SharePoint:RobotsMetaTag runat="server">-->
        <!--MS:<SharePoint:PageTitle runat="server">-->
            <!--MS:<asp:ContentPlaceHolder id="PlaceHolderPageTitle" runat="server">-->
                <!--MS:<SharePoint:ProjectProperty Property="Title" runat="server">-->
        <!--MS:<SharePoint:StartScript runat="server">-->
        <!--MS:<SharePoint:CssLink runat="server" Version="15">-->
        <!--MS:<SharePoint:CacheManifestLink runat="server">-->
        <!--MS:<SharePoint:PageRenderMode runat="server" RenderModeType="Standard">-->
        <!--MS:<SharePoint:ScriptLink language="javascript" name="core.js" OnDemand="true" runat="server" Localizable="false">-->
        <!--MS:<SharePoint:ScriptLink language="javascript" name="menu.js" OnDemand="true" runat="server" Localizable="false">-->
        <!--MS:<SharePoint:ScriptLink language="javascript" name="callout.js" OnDemand="true" runat="server" Localizable="false">-->
        <!--MS:<SharePoint:ScriptLink language="javascript" name="sharing.js" OnDemand="true" runat="server" Localizable="false">-->
        <!--MS:<SharePoint:ScriptLink language="javascript" name="suitelinks.js" OnDemand="true" runat="server" Localizable="false">-->
        <!--MS:<SharePoint:CustomJSUrl runat="server">-->
        <!--MS:<SharePoint:SoapDiscoveryLink runat="server">-->
        <!--MS:<SharePoint:AjaxDelta id="DeltaPlaceHolderAdditionalPageHead" Container="false" runat="server">-->
            <!--MS:<asp:ContentPlaceHolder id="PlaceHolderAdditionalPageHead" runat="server">-->
            <!--MS:<SharePoint:DelegateControl runat="server" ControlId="AdditionalPageHead" AllowMultipleControls="true">-->
            <!--MS:<asp:ContentPlaceHolder id="PlaceHolderBodyAreaClass" runat="server">-->
        <!--MS:<SharePoint:CssRegistration Name="Themable/corev15.css" runat="server">-->
        <!--MS:<SharePoint:AjaxDelta id="DeltaSPWebPartManager" runat="server">-->
            <!--MS:<WebPartPages:SPWebPartManager runat="server">-->
        <!--CE: End Page Head Contents Snippet-->
        <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
        <!--DC:Business Solutions-->
        <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/style.css" type="text/css" charset="utf-8" />
        <!--[if lte IE 7]>
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Ribbon snippet

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Two SharePoint <div> tags

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Markup added before the closing </body> tag and two closing </div> tags

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            This div, which you should delete, represents the content area that your Page Layouts and pages will fill. Design your Master Page around this content placeholder.
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Share a SQL Server Analysis Services data connection using Excel Services (SharePoint Server 2013)

Summary: Learn how to use Excel to create and share a connection to SQL Server Analysis Services data that people can use to create data models, reports, scorecards, and dashboards.
You can use Excel to create connections to databases such as SQL Server Analysis Services, and then share those connections with others. When you can upload a data connection to an Excel Services trusted data connection library, the data connection is available for you and others to use to create data models, reports, scorecards, and dashboards. Depending on the particular data source that is used, people can easily refresh data in Excel Services workbooks so that the most current information is displayed.
In this article:

Step 1: Use Excel to create a connection to SQL Server Analysis Services data
  • Step 2: Upload the data connection to SharePoint Server

  • Before you begin

    Because SharePoint 2013 runs as websites in Internet Information Services (IIS), administrators and users depend on the accessibility features that browsers provide. SharePoint 2013 supports the accessibility features of supported browsers. For more information, see the following resources:
    • Plan browser support
    • Accessibility for SharePoint 2013
    • Accessibility features in SharePoint 2013 Products
    • Keyboard shortcuts
    • Touch
    Before you begin this task, review the following information about prerequisites:
    • You must be using Excel 2013 and SharePoint Server 2013.
    • Excel Services must be configured to include a trusted data connections library and a trusted documents library. Ideally, you'll have a Business Intelligence Center site configured that you can use for your data connections and workbooks. For more information, see Configure a Business Intelligence Center in SharePoint Server 2013.
    • You must have at least Contribute permissions assigned in SharePoint Server.
    • You will need information from a SharePoint administrator about how data authentication is configured for the databases your organization uses. This can affect how you connect to different data sources.
    • If you plan to publish workbooks that contain data models to SharePoint Server, Excel Services must be configured to support data models. For more information, see Configure Excel Services in SharePoint Server 2013.

    You can use Excel to create a connection a cube that is stored in Analysis Services. This kind of connection is an Office Data Connection (ODC) file that can be used to create reports, scorecards, and dashboards by using applications such as Excel.
    To create an Analysis Services data connection by using Excel
    1. In Excel, on the Data tab, in the Get External Data group, click From Other Sources, and then select From Analysis Services.
      The Data Connection Wizard opens.
    2. On the Connect to Database Server page, in the Server name box, specify the name of the server where the Analysis Services data that you want to use resides. Do not click Next yet.
    3. In the Log on credentials section, take one of the following steps:
      • If your organization is using Windows Authentication, choose Use Windows Authentication, and then choose the Next button.
      • If your organization is using specific user credentials, choose Use the following User Name and Password, specify an appropriate user name and password, and then choose the Next button.
    4. On the Select Database and Table page, in the Select the database that contains the data that you want list, select the database that you want to use. Do not click Next yet.
    5. On the Select Database and Table page, select Connect to a specific cube or table, select the cube or table that you want to use, and then click Next.
    6. On the Save Data Connection File and Finish page, take the following steps:
      1. In the File Name box, keep or change the default file name.
      2. In the Description box, type a brief description for the data connection.
      3. In the Friendly Name box, keep the default name or type a new name for file.
      4. In the Search Keywords box, type some words or phrases that will help users find the data connection when it is published to SharePoint Server.
      5. Next to Excel Services, click Authentication Settings…, and then take one of the following steps:
        • If you want this connection to use Windows Authentication or the Effective User Name feature, select Use the authenticated user’s account, and then click OK.
        • If you want this connection to use Secure Store Service, select Use a stored account. In the Application ID box, specify the Secure Store target application ID, and then click OK.
        • If Excel Services is configured to use the unattended service account, select None, and then click OK.
        If you do not know which option to choose, contact a SharePoint administrator.
      6. Click Finish to close the Save Data Connection File and Finish page.
    7. On the Import Data page, click Only Create Connection, and then click OK.
    8. Repeat steps 1-7 until you have created all the Analysis Services data connections that you want.
    9. Close Excel.
    By default, data connections are saved in the My Data Sources folder in the Documents library on your computer.

    After data connections are created, the next step is to upload them to a data connection library. We recommend that you use a Business Intelligence Center site to store and manage business intelligence content, such as data connections.
    If you are not using a Business Intelligence Center site, make sure that you use a data connection library that is specified as a trusted location in Excel Services. For more information, see Manage Excel Services trusted data connection libraries (SharePoint Server 2013).
    To upload a data connection to SharePoint Server
    1. Open a web browser and navigate to the SharePoint site that contains the data connection library that you want to use.
      If you are using a Business Intelligence Center, the website address (URL) resembles http://servername/sites/bicenter.
    2. Click Site Contents to view the lists and libraries that are available for that site.
    3. Click Data Connections to open that library.
    4. Click New Item to open the Add a document dialog box.
    5. Click Browse to open the Choose File to Upload dialog box.
    6. Assuming the data connection is saved in its default location, click Libraries, click Documents, and then double-click My Data Sources.
    7. Select the ODC file that you want to upload, and then click Open.
    8. In the Add a document dialog box, click OK.
      A Data Connections form opens.
    9. In the Data Connections form, specify the following settings:
      • In the Content Type section, confirm that Office Data Connection File is selected.
      • In the Name box, keep or change the file name of the ODC file.
      • In the Title box, keep or change the title of the ODC file.
      • In the Description box, type a description of the data connection.
      • In the Keywords box, type one or more words or phrases. This information is used by search queries to discover the data connection.
      Then click Save.
      The data connection is added to the library. Repeat this procedure for each data connection that you want to share.